Pokemon X & Y

Satoshi Tajiri, the author of the Pokemon series, collected Zhukov in childhood, and then began to make games. He had to abandon the collecting of insects, but the desire to share joy with the rest of the world did not leave the game designer. So, a completely simple idea – collect them all – gradually accepted an impressive scope. Each part of Pokemon is a huge and elaborated world, where behind a simple history of the hero who goes to the adventure, makes new acquaintances, grows up and becomes a champion-cooker, hid the author’s intention: the player must also overcome himself and go towards the unknown. Search for comrades (I had to do it independently, there was no Wi-Fi at the time of Game Boy), exchange poemons with them and arrange competitions-certain animals could be caught only in a certain version, otherwise they differed little.

To Catch Them Is My Real Test

Let's say honestly, Pokemon X & Y– The game is extremely important for several reasons.

Firstly, this is one of those projects for which Nintendo 3DS should be purchased if you still have not done this. Different versions of Pokemon do not lose relevance even years after the release. We https://sister-site.org/paradise-8/ explain: all your works and achievements in past games of the series do not disappear in vain. And if you started an adventure nine years ago, for example in Pokemon Fire Red , then animals can be transferred through several years (and several generations of games) to the very last part.

[[Bullet]] It will not work for a long time to walk around the world – we are almost immediately awarded convenient roller skates.

Secondly, this is a great chance to join the trend and observe further the development of the series. About the same mechanisms are included here as in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. At some point, the history of the boy and the village became fashionable to play, and now the popularity of the game is confirmed not only by sundress radio, but also. The same with Pokemon – a naive story about pocket monsters bought four million times only in the first two days from the moment the game was released.

With each generation of consoles, the series adds new creatures (now there are 718 pieces) and changes the region by which the player travels. Previously, the Japanese islands were taken as a basis, and in the previous project Game Freak tried to recreate American cities-in particular, New York. The new region, Kalos, is very similar to France, more precisely, all-all-all the stereotypes of foreigners about the homeland of Eiffel: Chateau, Podeli-Cemes (about horror, you can make a haircut!), clothing stores. A cafe in the game is a breathtaking amount, and most inhabitants ask for tips for services. A lot of blacks, dubious personalities are found in the gateway. Robitic transport prices for transport. Everything is as it should, except that there are not enough popular unrest.

In addition to Pokemon, Game Freak finally added another dimension to the game. Pokemon X & Y completely moved to 3D, but did it not quite carefully. The animals look beautiful, but it seems that the studio overestimated the capabilities of the console – in certain places the game slows down, especially during the battles, and stereo -resistance works selectively and slows down the picture even more strongly.

[[Bullet]] At some point you turn off the animation of attacks, it takes too much time.

Which remains almost unchanged is mechanics. There were only a few important permutations for the series, and it is very easy to grab the main concept. Pokemon strictly honors traditions-and if something is changing about the established rules, then with a big creak. For example, they are still trying to show us the plot structure that has already filled the intelligence: we conquer eight stadiums, challenges the Champions League and somewhere along the way we violate all the villainous plans of terrorists of the prize terrorists-in the very first game this is the famous version of us, in the current version against us A flash team is valid, which is more like a fashion police than real criminals.

If everything is as usual with the plot, then things are much more curious with the battles. Although they are step-by-step, but they became a little more interesting because of the new type of Pokemon, which should slightly shake the established metham. In addition, some creatures can now be transformed right during the fight-the so-called mega-evolutions are not available for all animals, but they significantly change their characteristics and, in some cases, can pull the coach out of the obviously losing situation.

To train them is my cause

The battle mechanics have changed little, but it still works fine, and at several levels. In this, as well as in the preparation of Pokemon for a duel, and the most important pleasure of the game is.

Each animal belongs to one or two elements. The scheme is simple, almost a stone-bum-bum, only eighteen elements, and not three. Say, the Fire Charmander is terribly afraid of water, and Pikachu confidently will hair a water. Creatures are gradually growing in level and teach new attacks. There are many abilities, they do not always correspond to the elements of Pokemon and act in different ways. In addition to ordinary attacks, there are cunning tricks like protective barriers and counterattacks. The enemy can be paralyzed or often missed, your Pokemon can spend a move and significantly accelerate. In a word, there are many possibilities, they do not always correspond to the elements of Pokemon, and at the same time it can only keep in my head four attacks.

Behind the simplest at first glance mechanics hides a whole layer of terrible formulas, competitive classifications of Pokemon, manuals for breeding and breeding pocket monsters. You can delve into the mechanics endlessly, and it will end with insanity and a nervous breakdown. An ordinary player can safely pass the game and remember the weaknesses and advantages of different types, more usually does not need. Neophate is good: you do not need to think, for example, about the importance of the character of Pokemon. A brave animal is better attacking, but worse holds a blow, shyly hits a little weaker, but quickly. In addition, animals have hidden potential (we are talking about Individual Values): Even different Pikachu with the same character may have a difference in defense or attack.

[Bullet]] In Kalos there is a place for both deserts and snowy cities – the territory is extremely diverse.

All these little things do not play any role during the plot campaign, but they are extremely important in competitions with other players. Some approach training seriously, study different guides, prepare perfect fighting monsters and constantly think about how to make a team and block the weaknesses of individual Pokemon. Everything is stern. Different animals have unspoken roles, approximately like in Dota 2. Someone quickly strengthens himself and then passes the buffs to another Pokemon with a special movement. The other, like a glass gun, is designed for only one, but a destructive attack, because the second will not live to live. Support puts protective screens and tries to detain the enemy with all his might – paralyzes, lulls and so on.

For a player who is important, the competitive part is Pokemon X & Y turned out to be beautiful. The social component is perfect, at any moment you can find an opponent for yourself or offer someone to bargain. We liked the Wonder Trade mode most of all, the exchange of "blind". You give one of your Pokemon and in return you get some animal from another corner. Now the Japanese are changing the most, although European coaches are also sometimes come across. Along with this, by the way, the main idea of ​​the early Pokemon is lost. Nevertheless, it was assumed that the holder of the cartridge will look for friends, but now it is completely optional to know who you are dealing with.

The fact that Pokemon X & is much more surprising Y is much less entertainment after passing the league. Usually in Pokemon, even at the end of the game, you could always walk around the world again, open new locations and fight with incredibly strong coaches. All this, of course, is, but not in the same volume as in Black/White 2 , -If you occupy yourself with something, then only by breeding and duels with other players.

Pokemon X & Y is not the best part of Pokemon for various reasons. There is no decent postheim in it, and some technical disadvantages are very annoying. However, if for you this is the first game in the series, then it will be interesting for you to follow the simple story about growing up, friendship and mass destruction of Pokemon. The other will surely start breeding animals and change with other players. The third will learn the entire table of the elements by heart, will begin to participate in the championships. Pokemon is a project in a sense for everyone, with a low threshold of entry and a beautiful competitive component.


Cool plot:


Easy to master:





Sound and music:


Interface and management:



New generation of Pokemon on the new console. Not as perfect as last time, but the potential for development and evolution is huge.

Mania rating: 8.5


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