The best weapon in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer. Hyde on pumping

Modern Warfare 2019 Multiplayer of the series noticeably refresh. New TTK, new game modes … And the gunsmith system significantly expanded the possibilities of customization of weapons. Although there are not so many guns in the game, thanks to this mechanics, a dozen unique trunks can be cast from one standard “kalash” from one standard.

To choose from all seven categories of weapons: assault rifles, machine guns, hand machine guns, shotgun, infantry rifles, sniper rifles, pistols, launchers and devices for close combat. In this leadership, we will go through each – and highlight the most interesting options.

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Assault rifles and the basics of customization

Kilo 141, Fal, M4A1, FR 5.56, Oden, M13, FN SCAR 17 and the old AK-47

Assault rifles – universal weapons, an ideal compromise between damage, range and stock of cartridges. In addition, the "gunsmith" allows you to sharpen each for its own needs or specific combat situations. For example, at the Kilo-141 you can replace ordinary stores with drum, where it is up to a hundred cartridges, attach a bipod, a Socom barrel for a high initial speed of a bullet, and voila: now it is a full-fledged machine gun.

Each module significantly affects the characteristics and behavior of the weapon, and both for the best and worse. For close combat, try to reduce the aim and preparation for shooting after running to a minimum, and also increase the speed of movement. For shootings at large distances, lower the return, increase the initial speed of the bullet and an effective distance. For battles in cramped buildings and alleys, you can remove the butt (yes, the option “without butt” is a separate module) and take a smaller store, and on more spacious cards – set the barrel more and the sight is more likely.

At the moment, one of the best guns in the game, if not the best, is M4A1. She is good at all distances thanks to impressive damage, low return and high rate of fire. The return, by the way, is so soft that if you correctly set up the modules and get a fuck, you can devastate the entire store at one point without interrupting in line.

FR 5.56, along with FN SCAR and "Dress", a great option for medium distances. She produces three cartridges with incredible speed: aim at the torso, and the last bullet will fly straight to the head of the enemy.

Was AK-47, became AK-74M

AK-47 is also not bad, but it is not so easy to control its return. Take ammunition 5.45 For better control and rate of fire, a convenient monocliece, a underbred grenade launcher with smoke ammunition and a lightweight frame butt that compensates all the disadvantages. In time, neglected smoke can not only save your life, but also open an opportunity to storm the enemy’s positions: almost no one awaits a sudden smoke curtain.


Aug, P90, MP5, Uzi, PP-19 Bison and MP7

High rate of fire and good accuracy when shooting from the thigh make PP truly deadly in closed rooms. In the current meter, MP5 turned out to be a favorite of the public: now he is a favorable alternative to M4A1.

Before choosing a PP, you need to decide on which style of play to adapt it: “rash” at the near distance or a neat game on the middle. In the first case, it is worth taking P90 or “bison”-thanks to a huge clip, you can open fire in advance and catch the enemy, sharply jumping out from around the corner. The accuracy of the aiming of both PPs is not so bad, but with the range of the problem.

Just here Aug and MP7 come to the rescue. The first can generally be turned into an assault rifle, taking NATO cartridges 5.56, elongated trunk and good sight. And the mp7 even with the highest rate of fire almost does not need to control the return. Put a hybrid sight and tactical butt – you get a decent unit for any situation.

MP7 with modifications for a mid -distance fight


Model-680, R9-0, 725 and Orijin

If you play Modern Warfare at the time of the release of this article, you are probably incredibly tired of shotguns – more precisely, specifically 725. Due to the low rush of fractions and a large shooting range, this double-barreled man kills one shot, and even at an indecently large distance. Reloading speed compensates for low ammunition in two cartridges. In a word, so far 725 is a “imob” choice: there is even nothing to cast in.

Other models in this regard are much more interesting. Model-680 can be facilitated by cutting the barrel and removing the butt, and thereby achieve a very high speed of movement. And you can, on the contrary, invest in a long barrel and a stronger butt for a greater distance of the defeat. Orijin should be equipped with a drum store for as many as twenty -five rounds and, thanks to a semi -automatic fire, just clamp the enemy.

R9-0 with modules for an effective assault

But a truly unique shotgun in the game is R9-0. He makes two shots before reloading the barrel, so it is very comfortable to go to enemy points under the cover of smoke and quickly deal with the defenders. The barrel is “watch”, the laser and the chok-brow increase the accuracy of the thigh to the limit-with such a configuration, opponents are lying like kel. The coating of the handle with rolon will increase the speed of movement during firing, which is important for any assault. And if you accelerate the reloading of the “Hand dexterity” percom, this will save your skin more than once.

Hand machine guns

PKM, SA87, M91 and old man mg34

Modern Warfare machine guns turned out to be strange. With low TTK, the weapon is primarily valued for the speed of aiming, accuracy and rate of fire – and machine guns, of course, can crush opponents with fire, but they are desperately not enough convenience.

If you want to play with a machine gun, climb into some large mode (for example, a “ground war”), take a comfortable position and protect your line. PKM, MG34 and M91 are perfect for this, but the SA87 is variable. You can leave it in its original form and use it as a machine gun – or you can shorten the barrel to a minimum and drive it with a storming rifle with it.

Heavy PKM for confident defense

This category of weapons perfectly shows itself in defense, so it makes sense to invest in an effective distance and accuracy of shooting from shelter. Let's say PKM is an indispensable thing. Huge ammunition, pleasant pace of shooting. Scrill over a long weighted trunk, bipod, sight and application "Stalker" – and you will be able to fire fire at a distance without any problems. On top you can add either a rubberized coating of the handle for mobile control of recoil, or a flame arrester to hide your position from the enemy longer.

Infantry rifles

EBR-14, MK2 and Kar carbine.98k

Honestly, in the current meta, it is difficult to name at least one reason to pick up the infantry rifle – well, perhaps for the sake of aesthetic pleasure. They have two large pluses – high damage at distance and accuracy – but at the same time a whole mountain of minuses. At the near distance, it will hurt you, the rate of fire is terribly low, and the enemy does not always manage to kill with one shot: the same “Emka” will easily crush you.

EBR-14, with which there are good chances to survive in close combat

The best option in this class is EBR-14, and not least thanks to the large pool of modules. Raise Raider Elit donates the stability of aiming for the sake of speed-add a shortened trunk to it and get an excellent barrel for medium and (sometimes) close distances. The enemy simply will not be ready for such a surge of damage, and if you also put the mercenary handle, you can safely shoot from your hip. The sight can be taken combined – infrared optics with a side collimator.

Sniper rifles

"Dragunov", HDR and AX-50

In Modern Warfare, all sniper rifles, except for Dragunov, are killed from one shot to the body. The semiautomatic device lacks damage at particularly distant distances, but large -caliber rifles work on almost any range. Well, except for completely impossible distances on some of the “ground war” maps.

And if you take a sniper, it is better to play in a large. AX-50-a kind of analogue of the International from the previous MW: huge caliber, huge damage and even greater weight. Believe me, you do not want to face the forehead with the enemy, holding this colossus in your hands. With HDR a similar situation, but it donates the initial speed of the bullet in favor of the convenience of aiming.

HDR with modifications for especially large distances

If there is a desire to camp, take HDR with modules to the range and speed of the bullet flight. The barrel "Profi", a monolithic muffler and optics of a variable multiplicity allow you to work at any distance, and the "champion" and bipod will help not lose accuracy even with a runaway fire.

Additional weapons

X16, 1911, revolver .357, m19 and .50 GS (read, Digl)

Pistols are not particularly different from each other. X16 and M19 are excellent options for quickly finishing the enemy, they have a good pace and accuracy of shooting from the hip. 1911 has a slightly large damage and range, but pays for this rate of fire and accuracy. Well, if you want something truly powerful, take a closer look at .357 and .50 GS.

"Saw", "arrow-p", JOKR and RPG-7

Launching, as a rule, are needed to destroy enemy equipment – reconnaissance drones, drones and infantry fighting vehicles. Each installation has its own features: from the “saw” you can also be visited by the enemy technique and shoot in uncontrollable mode. "Strela-P" uses armor-piercing shells with a small radius of defeat, but with a colossal damage on technique.

Missiles launched from JOKR fly along a hinged trajectory and require strict tip at the target – I extremely do not advise you to shoot in closed rooms, where the projectile can hit the ceiling. Well, RPG-7, perhaps, is best works against infantry thanks to a large radius of defeat.

To save the customized gun in the arsenal, look at the upper left corner on the screen of the modules installation and press the specified hot key. After that, it will be possible to immediately choose the preserved weapon from the arsenal

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